
Drug & Alcohol Testing Kits in Mackay

Full Testing Kits 

Order drug and alcohol testing equipment from QTTS! All our products satisfy Australian standards and can be delivered nationwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What’s the difference between passive and active breathalysers?

    Passive breathalysers receives a breath sample through talking, whilst active breathalysers require the person to blow into the breathalyser through a mouth piece. 

  • How often should breathalysers be recalibrated?

    All hand-held devices must be recalibrated every 6months and wall-mounted/fixed units generally 

    12 months.

  • What does recalibrating a breathalyser mean?

    To calibrate a breathalyser means to check and adjust the measuring instrument within the device. This is to ensure it can produce accurate results.

  • Why do I need a spill kit?

    A spill kit is required for any work site that is at risk of harmful spills from chemicals or other types of liquids. The kit will contain all the equipment needed to clean up the spill and prevent contamination. 

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